What is a biodynamic wine ?🍇🌱

A biodynamic wine is the result of viticulture that respects vines, soils and people.

Biodynamic wine is produced using a set of agricultural practices that consider the farm or vineyard as a solid organism. Natural materials, soils and composts are used to support the vineyard. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are banned to preserve soil fertility. A variety of animals, from ducks to horses to sheep, live on the soil and fertilize it, creating a rich, fertile environment for the vines to grow in.


When did biodynamic agriculture come into being ?

Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner introduced the idea of biodynamic agriculture in the early 1920s, long before the organic movement. This early 20th-century philosopher and social reformer also promulgated the use of agricultural practices based on the lunar calendar and astrological influences, which are today more controversial aspects of biodynamic agriculture. Steiner believed in living and farming in harmony with the earth and its movements, rather than in a purely scientific approach.

How is biodynamic wine produced ?

Biodynamic wine is produced by cultivating all components of the vineyard as a single entity, eliminating the use of chemicals and using natural materials and composts. Adherence to the biodynamic calendar is also an integral part of the process.


Sometimes these farming practices, from pruning to harvesting, are controlled by the biodynamic calendar. This calendar divides all farming tasks into four types of day : root days, flower days, fruit days and leaf days. Each of these days has certain tasks associated with it.

Is biodynamic wine the same as organic wine ?

Not really. Both are similar in the sense that they incorporate chemical-free practices. However, biodynamic agriculture takes other factors into account, such as the lunar calendar and astrology. It is more concerned with all the vital elements of a vineyard - other plants, insects and animals - than with grapes alone, as is the case with organic wine.



Does biodynamic wine taste different ?

Although this is certainly a subjective question, the answer is generally: no. It's virtually impossible to taste a biodynamic wine. It's virtually impossible to taste a wine blind and deduce whether or not biodynamic practices have been implemented.

However, many biodynamic winemakers also grow organic fruit and, thanks to a combination of pesticide-free farming and biodynamic farming practices, biodynamic wines can have a better taste profile than other wines.



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